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Cap Nuts

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Cap Nuts

Cap Nuts are used to cover exposed threaded stud, rod and bolt ends with a dome-like cap. This provides safety and a finished look to the exposed threaded end. We offer cap nuts in both open end and closed end, along with washer based cap nuts.

Value Fastener offers 4 types of Cap Nuts; Closed end cap nuts, Closed end Cap Nuts-washer based, Open end cap nuts, and open end cap nuts washer based. Our cap nut sizes range from 4-40 all the way to 1-8. Cap nuts come in 18-8 stainless steel and steel with various finishes.

A Cap Nut is also known as an acorn nut. It’s a type of nut that's characterized by a dome head. Other nuts are open on the top and bottom, but Cap Nuts are closed on the top. The top of an Cap Nut (acorn nut) resembles a dome, thereby restricts their usage to the end of a bolt.
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